Sorry for being a bit of a newb about this - it's my own fault for waiting years to get the PC version and having to play catch-up, haha. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help point me in the right direction. As for using said mods - is there a mod loader akin to Sonic Adventure DX/ Sonic Adventure 2/ Sonic R etc, or are mods installed/handled in a different manner? From Discover, to Explore, and then to Challenge, students will understand the basics of.Anyone know if there's a list/repository of available Generations mods? I'm aware of the Unleashed Project, but not much else, though I also vaguely remember there being some sort of 'fixed' Classic Sonic physics mod at some point.? Any quality-of-life/bug-fixing mods would be a must too, if they exist.
Know I'm well behind on this, so thought I'd pop in here with a couple of questions for those already in the know mods-wise: Picked up Generations cheap on the Steam Summer Sale - I already owned the 360 version from back when it released, but am aware there've been some interesting mods for the PC version and was hoping to check them out.